We always enjoy this at hog killing time.
Enough hot water to make into dough thick enough to shape into small loaves. It's better to use cracklins with the least fat, and be sure to break them into small pieces. bake in a moderate oven-400 to 450 degrees for around 45 minutes.
Here's a taste fetcher that's good, hot or cold. Moisten 2 cups waterground meal with cold water. Add 2 cups boiling water and let rise overnight in a warm place. Add 1 cup buttermilk,1 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup suger , 1cup flour, 1 pint warm water and 1 quart meal to make a batter which will streak the spoon. Let rise 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Bake in a greased pan 1 hour at 375 degrees. Cover and leave 24 hours.
This is for folks who like a little sweetening for a change.
Cook like brown bread.
If you're drivin where the mark of old furrows show an the hillsides now turned to grass,you shorely must have wondered how they farmed so steep. Well, it was done with a hillside plow. The way it worked, a feller plowed to one end of the field, turned his plow around and swung the point, mounted on a swivel,so's it would turn dirt the other way.
Dissolve yeast in warm water,mix ingredients,add yeast and stir in flour,enough to make stiff dough. Set to rise where it's warm. When dough rises twice it's size, roll out and cut into buscuits. Bake as you would flour biscuits.
We-uns who are old, recollect the ash hopper filled with wood ashes. When water was run through the hopper, you got strong lye, which was powerful useful. You made lye soap and hominy with the yeller water. Hominy was made by soaking dried corn in lye water till the skin peeled off and was ready for boilin. Grits is hominy grains busted up. Next time you see canned hominy or boxed grits, remember how it used to be made.
This goes fine with any maine dish.
Grate corn and mix with milk. To make smoother,run through colander.Work flour and butter creamy,then beat in sugar and egg yolks. Add beated whites. Put into corn and milk mix and salt to taste.Bake. If you want it sweeter,add sugaar and cream.
Killin frosts are over when oak leaves are longer'n and inch.
In a way I reckon you-uns can regard this recipe as the backbone of cornmeal eatin. Egg bread goes with all main dishes.
Pour boiling water over cornmeal in a bowl. Add bacon drippings and cool, then stir in buttermilk and cold water.Next add well beaten eggs, flour, baking powder, soda and salt sifted together. Beat thouroughly. Turn into a well greased,smoking hot baking pan, with the batter a half inch deep. Bake in a moderate oven 20 to 25 minutes. Cut into squares.
Take the hot water and make mush by adding enough
cornmeal. Then dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix remaining ingredients
together to make a sponge. then add salt and stir in enough flour to make
a stiff dough. Set to rise in a warm place. When double in bulk , roll
out in buscuit form and bake in a moderate oven until brown.
Here's some cookin that covers a heap of territory. I guess a-body thinks first of such vittles as corn fritters, apple fritters, green termaters, and so on. We aim to give you what's caled the basic recipe and let you handle the makins.
When frying fritters of raw vegetables or fruit, have the fat hot enough to brown a cube of bread in one minute. Now of course if you're using canned corn, it takes around 45 seconds oven hot heating.
Fat should be deep enough to cover the fritters. Each fritter will sink at first, Then rise as baking powder acts. That's when you start turning the fritters to make all sides brown. Most fritters are done in five minutes, Take care and don't put too many fritters in at one time, so that the grease pops over.
For fruit fritters, cut into small pieces and roll in sugar, powder if you have some around. Then dip in batter before sugar dissolves. Then fry.
For vegetables or meat fritters, dip into batter and then drip by spoonfulls into the pan or kettle. Best to use pan or deep skillet.
You stir all ingredients in then bake in muffin pans which are greased and coated with flour.
Afore there was store bought yeast cakes, Grandmaw had her own way of making bread rise. Some used hops of vines they ground, mashed taters, corn meal. here's an old timer recipe:
Peel and slice potatoes, add corn meal, sugar, salt and boiling water. Wrap in heavy cloth, cover and keep in a warm place overnight. Take out potatoes, add milk, soda, salt and shorting. Now you put in enough flour to make dough stiff when kneading. Form into loaves. Put into greased pans, cover and let dough rise twice in size. Bake in oven at 400 degrees. This makes four loaves.
You can use two tablespoons of honey instead of sugar for this.
For berries, apples or peaches, put a layer of fruit on baking dish bottom, them a layer of pastry, according to recipe. Add another layer of fruit. Cover with pastry and bake at 425 degrees for 25 minutes, or until crust is browned.
Grittle cakes and waffles hit the spot when they're yanked fresh off the stove. But you have to have waffle iron or grittle heated just right and well greased. Just keep that in mind.
Pour batter from a pitcher into center of iron untill half full and allow it to spread to the edge and start bubbling. Bake 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand a few minutes before serving.
Some fokes call them pancakes. They're good,whatever name you call them.
Combine ingredients in bowl and beat till light. Cook on ot griddle.